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Important questions and answers

I can't log in yet, what should I do?

Your email address must be verified first. We do this by sending a verification email. Check your inbox and your spam folder. If you do not receive an email within 5 minutes, send us a message via chat.

Can I become an advertiser just like that?

We manually verify each advertiser, so please provide valid business and contact details so we can reach you.

Where can I indicate that I am an Advertiser or Publisher?

After logging in, you can choose between Advertiser or Publisher. If you want to buy links, you need to sign up as an Advertiser. If you want to sell links, you need to sign up as a Publisher.

Can I use Popi as a private individual?

You can join as a publisher, meaning you can sell blogs on your website as a private individual. You cannot become an advertiser as a private individual, so buying blogs is not an option.

Can I become a publisher just like that?

Do you have your own website? Feel free to sign up with Popi! We will evaluate your site based on our quality standards. We only work with direct owners. If you have exclusive placement rights or a large portfolio, please contact us via chat or email.