Start preparing for Christmas early: order holiday gifts and begin link building

Matthijs Huisman
24 July 2024
4 minute read

"Have you ordered your Christmas gifts yet?" Last week, we received an email asking if we had started thinking about holiday gifts for our employees. Christmas? It’s still summer, and we're not quite in the holiday spirit yet. Nevertheless, this prompted us to think about it more seriously.
Many industries are already preparing for the winter months, and in some cases, early planning is crucial. You need this time to get things done and see the results in time. Whether it's arranging holiday gifts in advance or starting link building with Christmas-related keywords now, early preparation can make a big difference.
Link building, like holiday preparations, requires time to show results. If you want to rank well for Christmas-related keywords, it’s essential to start now. You want to see the effects of link building and secure that top position in Google around the holiday season.
Link building: a long-term strategy
Link building involves acquiring authoritative links to your domain, which can positively impact your Google ranking. The more reliable links pointing to your website, the higher your site can rank in search results, potentially leading to more clicks and leads.
However, link building takes time to produce results. That’s why it’s important to continuously engage in link building. If you want to see results by a specific time, such as during the holiday season, you need to start the process well in advance.
Steps for effective link building
It’s important to know which keywords you want to rank for. Identify keywords with high search volume and analyze how your competitors are performing with them. How can you differentiate yourself and stand out? Additionally, find websites where you can publish your blog and include your backlink. Ensure that these sites are relevant to your target audience, your own website, and your backlink. Creating unique and engaging content is also crucial.

Outsource your link building
Don’t have time to dive into link building right now? No worries. At Popi, we’re ready to get into the holiday spirit early and handle the link building process for you. You can outsource your link building to Popi.
From keyword research to writing blogs that fit your website and target keywords, and placing those blogs on suitable sites, Popi can manage it all. Our platform offers a wide range of websites for your backlinks, with more being added regularly. We’ll help you create a natural link profile, which is beneficial for your website. All you need to do is sit back and watch your rankings improve.
About Matthijs Huisman
Als eigenaar van Popi ben ik elke dag bezig om ons platform nog een beetje beter te maken. Nieuwe functies, kleine wijzigingen, meedenken met publishers en klanten. Door mijn 15 jaar ervaring met het bouwen van websites, waarbij altijd de focus op SEO ligt weet ik wat onze klanten nodig hebben. Loop je ergens tegenaan in ons platform? Laat het mij weten, dan gaan we op zoek naar een oplossing!

Matthijs Huisman
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