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Why internal and external links are important

Lilian Boers

  • 20 September 2024
  • 4 minute read

To ensure that visitors can navigate your website effectively, it's essential to pay attention to both internal and external links. But what exactly are internal and external links, and why are they so important? Below, we'll explain more.

Links: what are they?

Links are clickable words that can be used in various ways. These clickable words are often included in blog posts, but they can also appear on homepages. When you click on the word, it takes you to another page.

What are internal links?

Internal links are links that point to a page within your own website. In other words, the link stays within your site. An example of an internal link is a link that directs a visitor from a blog post to the homepage, or a link that takes someone from the homepage to a product page. Internal links are especially common in blogs. For instance, if you're writing a blog post and mention an interesting topic you've covered before, you can use an internal link to direct readers to that previous post.

These internal links offer several advantages. They allow visitors to navigate your site more easily, stay on your site longer, and Google sees this as a positive sign. Additionally, internal links give you the opportunity to draw attention to specific topics you've previously covered.

And what are external links?

As you might guess, external links are the opposite of internal links. While internal links remain within your site, external links lead to an external website. In other words, they take users to another site that is not your own. For example, in a blog post, you might include an external link that points to a news site that provides additional information relevant to your topic. You may wonder why you would want to send your visitors to another website. The answer is that Google values external linking, and this can have a positive impact on your own site.

You can also receive external links yourself, which can be equally beneficial. When other websites link to your content, especially high-value and relevant websites, this can improve your ranking in Google. External links to your site signal to Google that your content is valuable, and this improves your credibility. Additionally, external links help Google better understand the content of your website and blog posts, which can also positively impact your ranking.

Internal and external links are crucial for your website

Both internal and external links can offer significant benefits when used together. They create a strong link profile, helping you take advantage of:

  • Easier navigation for visitors on your site
  • A website that is better understood by search engines
  • Potentially higher rankings in search results

Building on the last point, achieving a higher ranking can offer several advantages, such as increased traffic and a higher perceived value of your website. For these reasons, it’s important to pay close attention to both internal and external links.

About Lilian Boers

Een echte taalfanaat, dat ben ik. Als taalgekkie was de keuze snel gemaakt welke opleiding ik wilde gaan volgen: de opleiding Communicatie. Na het afstuderen heb ik de schoolbanken ingeruild voor een bureaustoel bij Popi. Hier werk ik al een dikke drie jaar als tekstschrijver, met veel plezier. Inmiddels heb ik al duizenden teksten op de teller staan met onderwerpen die uiteenlopen van A tot Z.

Lilian Boers

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