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Here's how you can improve your ranking in Google

Lilian Boers

  • 22 February 2024
  • 4 minute read

Every website owner naturally wants to appear as high as possible in Google search results. The higher you rank in those search results, the more people will click on your website. However, reaching the top 10 can be a challenging task. Fortunately, there's a solution for every problem, and this one is no different. Below, we'll explain how you can improve your Google ranking.

Tip 1: A well-functioning website

People will quickly lose interest if a page loads slowly or if the website is not available on all devices. Your website must be user-friendly, which is also known as user experience. A slow website is detrimental to your conversion rate. Research even shows that a delay of 100 milliseconds can decrease conversion by about seven percent. Therefore, ensure that your website is fast, works well, and is compatible with all devices. More and more people are using their phones to visit websites.

Also, check for any 'orphan pages' on your website—pages that have no internal links pointing to them. Google cannot scan these pages and therefore cannot index them, which can be very detrimental to your website. Additionally, your website's URL should be short and concise. This allows Google to quickly scan the content of your site.

Tip 2: Relevant content, title tag, and meta description

The more content your website has, the easier it is for Google to rank it. However, it's important to note that the content must be relevant. Google also dislikes spelling errors and grammatically incorrect sentences. Not only does Google dislike this, but so do website visitors. If the content is poorly written, a portion of the visitors will quickly leave.

In addition to your content, you should also focus on having a good title tag and meta description. The title tag is the subject the visitor sees in Google and can click on. The meta description is the description you see below the title tag. Both of these should be clearly visible and attract the attention of the visitor. Make sure not to make them too long; this is also a turn-off for Google.

Tip 3: Images

We can't deny that a website without images looks very bare. Although images significantly enhance the appearance of a website, they can also improve your Google ranking. To help Google scan the images, you can provide information about them. Firstly, you can add a file name; what do you see in the image? The image alt-tag should also not be missing. It's also smart to include keywords here. Lastly, you can add information to the image title tag, the text people see when they hover over the image with their mouse.

Tip 4: Link building

Thanks to link building, you can make significant strides in Google ranking. Link building involves obtaining relevant links on other websites that link back to your own website. These links are also called external links. Link building contributes significantly to a good ranking in Google, but it depends on the quality and authority of the links. The more authority the other website has, the more value Google will attach to it. In addition to external links, internal link building is also important. Here, you place links within your website. Keep in mind that link building is a long-term process and will not yield immediate results. Therefore, remain consistent with link building and be patient before seeing results.

About Lilian Boers

Een echte taalfanaat, dat ben ik. Als taalgekkie was de keuze snel gemaakt welke opleiding ik wilde gaan volgen: de opleiding Communicatie. Na het afstuderen heb ik de schoolbanken ingeruild voor een bureaustoel bij Popi. Hier werk ik al een dikke drie jaar als tekstschrijver, met veel plezier. Inmiddels heb ik al duizenden teksten op de teller staan met onderwerpen die uiteenlopen van A tot Z.

Lilian Boers

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