Writing a catchy blog in 5 steps

Lilian Boers
10 February 2024
5 minute read

Writing a blog is more challenging than most people think. It needs to grab attention, resonate with your target audience, and ultimately drive more traffic to your website. To prevent you from staring at your screen for hours and struggling with each sentence, we've outlined five steps for you below.
Step 1: Preparation
The first step begins with preparing your blog. The story you're about to tell should resonate with your target audience. So, first, outline your target audience or create a persona. Think from their perspective, not just your desire to sell a product. The people reading your blog likely want more than just a product; they're seeking information or the story behind it. It's crucial to grab their attention.
Once you know who you're writing for and what they want, it's essential to determine the goal of your blog. Do you want to increase brand awareness or engage customers with your brand? Perhaps you want to drive more traffic to your website with your blog, but that's not the purpose of your written story. That's the action that comes later.
Step 2: Choose your topic
Okay, you know who you're writing for and your goal. Now, you need to decide on the topic. This can be a challenging part. To avoid spending too much time thinking about a suitable topic, you can conduct keyword research. Keyword research helps you understand the search intent of your target audience. You can also ask your customers what they'd like to learn or know. After all, it needs to pique your audience's interest.
Step 3: Structure your story
A blog must have a logical structure. If you find this difficult, you can use the AIDA formula. This formula is widely used in online marketing to gradually achieve your goal with a story. Whether it's selling a product, obtaining email addresses, or simply grabbing the reader's attention: the AIDA formula will take you a long way.
- Attention: It's crucial to grab your reader's attention. So, write a catchy title that makes your reader want to continue reading.
- Interest: The reader must be intrigued to keep reading. Make sure the reader finds your blog interesting. For example, mention the benefits of the product, what the solution is to the described problem, or something the reader can relate to. Especially the latter will arouse the reader's interest.
- Desire: You need to make the reader desire your solution. Try to convince the reader. You can do this by listing the benefits, for example, with bullet points.
- Action: Time for action! This is what your entire text is about: trying to persuade the reader to take action. This could be signing up for the newsletter, purchasing the product, or requesting a brochure.
Step 4: SEO
You might need to write a blog based on SEO. In that case, an extra step is involved. How do you apply SEO to your blog? Where we mentioned conducting keyword research in the second step, it comes in handy here too. In keyword research, you can find keywords your target audience is searching for, which you can then incorporate into your text. These keywords can be included in your text, as well as in the titles and meta tags. Also, include internal links in your text, links that refer to other pages within your website.
Step 5: The final check
Yes, the text is written. Now it's time to read through your story. Are there any spelling mistakes? Do all the sentences flow smoothly? And most importantly, does your story come across well? It's also important not to overdo it in your blog but be honest with the reader. If you're satisfied with your written masterpiece, it's time to publish it. Exciting!
About Lilian Boers
Een echte taalfanaat, dat ben ik. Als taalgekkie was de keuze snel gemaakt welke opleiding ik wilde gaan volgen: de opleiding Communicatie. Na het afstuderen heb ik de schoolbanken ingeruild voor een bureaustoel bij Popi. Hier werk ik al een dikke drie jaar als tekstschrijver, met veel plezier. Inmiddels heb ik al duizenden teksten op de teller staan met onderwerpen die uiteenlopen van A tot Z.

Lilian Boers
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